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Nate Bauer

When Winter Weather Strikes!

Constantly changing Wisconsin weather, and harsh winter conditions can impact the ability of Garden Homes to stay open. Find out how you can stay informed below.

When winter conditions strike it can become unsafe for staff and students to be at school. This may be a heavy snow fall that makes roads dangerous, or weather conditions that are too cold. It also could be a failure of an essential school system such as furnaces or power. During these times, Garden Homes will close school until conditions improve. If school needs to close we we communicate in a variety of ways to make sure you are informed.

#1 - You will receive a text and email.

If a decision is made that school needs to close, a text and email will be sent out to all families. If you have not been receiving any emails or text messages from Garden Homes please check with the office to make sure we have the correct information on file.

Office Phone: 414-444-9050

#2 - Check TMJ4

TMJ4 will post all closings online and on tv. Please check your local channel to see the closings or visit .

#3 - Check Fox6

Fox6 will post all closings online and on tv. Please check your local channel to see the closings or visit .


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