The School Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card is a score sheet generated by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction for all publicly funded schools and schools participating in the Private School Choice Program. The Report Cards are meant to show schools how they are preparing students for the next step in their education. At Garden Homes we are extremely proud of our score.

The Wisconsin Forward Exam
Garden Homes Lutheran School administers this state mandated standardized assessment. These standardized tests are given in the Spring to students in grades 3-8 and measure achievement in reading, language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Results are shared with parents after the school receives the data from the scoring service.

Advanced or
Advanced or
Advanced or
Social Studies
Advanced or
Measure of Academic Success
Three times a year, GHLS also gives students in grades K5-8 the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests. These tests, all done via computer and on-line, provide a more detailed and frequent assessment of how the students are doing in Math and Reading. Each subject-area test takes about 50 minutes. The results from the MAP tests are shared with parents and used by teachers to identify areas in their instruction that can be improved, thereby enhancing student academic outcomes.